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system requirements must be developed to address the veri cation, validation, and acceptance of the system during integration. The integration process receives less attention than the design process and is often viewed as the yin (weaker, passive side) of development, design being the yang (stronger, active side). However, integration cannot be passive after an active design process. Rather, design and integration must proceed in harmony; integration, if done well, actually improves as well as checks the design process. There are at least ve ways that good systems engineering adds value. First, de ning the problem clearly and well and then nding a good solution that balances the needs of varying segments of stakeholders and the multiple engineering disciplines. Second, systems engineers serve as a communication interface among stakeholders and engineers. Finding showstoppers that are present in the design and getting them xed is the third value adding element. Finding design errors early when these errors are still relatively cheap to x is the fourth. Fifth, systems engineers help identify high risk elements of the design and develop risk mitigation strategies.

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In the absence of a meeting, stockholders may vote by unanimous written consent, where each stockholder indicates his approval of a written resolution by signing it This eliminates the need for a meeting and is very effective in corporations with only a few stockholders (such as our hotel operation) Unlike the rules governing stockholders meetings, however, in most states unanimity is required to adopt resolutions by written consent This apparently ref lects the belief that a minority stockholder is owed an opportunity to sway the majority with his arguments A few states, notably Delaware, permit written consents of a majority, apparently reacting to the dominance of proxy voting at most meetings of large corporations, where the most eloquent of minority arguments would fall upon deaf ears (and proxy cards)..


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3.1 It is presumed that the investor has significant influence if it holds directly or indirectly 20% or more of the voting power of the associate unless it can be clearly shown that significant influence does not exist. If the holding is less than 20%, the investor will be presumed not to have significant influence unless such influence can be shown. If a substantial or even a majority ownership is held by another investor, this does not necessarily mean that significant influence cannot arise through a holding of 20% or more. 3.2 Significant influence is normally created in one of these ways: Representation on the board of directors Participation in the policy-making process Material transactions occurring between the two entities The changing over of management The provision of essential technical information The existence of potential voting rights, for example, through the ownership of share-warrants, share-call options, and the like, must be considered when assessing whether an entity has significant influence. Where these potential voting rights are not currently exercisable, they will not be taken into account. 3.3 Significant influence is lost when the investor loses the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee. This can occur without the loss of voting power or without a change in the ownership levels. It could occur, for example, where the associate is subject to government control or regulation as the result of a contractual agreement.

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These methods inherently do not guarantee the delivery to the region when no route exist within the restricted area. For example, if the dotted nodes in Figure 5.6 were absent from the topology, then no route would be found despite the fact that there exist another one going round above. This problem can be solved by using the greedy-face-greedy (GFG) principle to reach the region (see Section 4.5 or Bose et al., 1999). A simple geocasting protocol, proposed in Stojmenovic et al. (1999), makes use of GFG to route toward the region, and once inside, performed a ooding within the region. While this algorithm guarantees the delivery to at least one node in the region [under the assumption of an ideal medium access control (MAC) layer], it does not guarantee that all the nodes inside the region will get the message (second stage). Indeed, as shown in Figure 5.6, the sensors that cover a given geocast region may not necessarily be connected inside it, even if the coverage is complete (due to possibly different sensing and communication radii, or obstacles). They can be connected by nodes outside the region, though. The next paragraphs review three geocasting solutions that guarantee the delivery to all the nodes inside the region (provided they are indirectly connected to the source).

<xsl:template match="node()" mode="i18n:apply templates"> <xsl:param name="lang" select="'en'" /> <xsl:variable name="copy"> <xsl:apply templates select="." mode="i18n:copy of"> <xsl:with param name="lang" select="$lang" /> </xsl:apply templates> </xsl:variable> <xsl:apply templates select="$copy" /> </xsl:template>

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